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Our Pillars

Phi Chi Theta provides its membership with exposure to business professionals by sponsoring prominent guest speakers from local businesses and organizations. The purpose is to enhance two-dimensional textbook studies with the real-world experience of working businessmen and women active in the industry.
Previous guests have advised members on everything from entrepreneurship to corporate culture to resume and interview how-tos. These presentations give our members greater insight on how to pursue and succeed in their individual career goals.
We have also implemented a professional mentoring program, in which active brothers help each other and pledges in developing their resumes and professional skills.
Phi Chi Theta is a close-knit family that prides itself on personally getting to know one another. Joining Phi Chi Theta is a great way to make a big school, such as Penn State, seem a lot smaller.
Our social and brotherhood chairs continually plan events throughout the year, including a Halloween hayride, football game tailgates, snow tubing at Tussey Mountain, trips to the Outer Banks, and formal dances. We also participate in prominent school events, such as Homecoming and the Business Fraternity Council Olympics.
Social events are a great way to bond with all of the members in Phi Chi Theta, and enjoy yourself in the process.
Phi Chi Theta realizes the importance of giving back to the community. Outside of the Penn State Dance Marathon, Phi Chi Theta has donated time and energy to helping with blood drives, food pantries, and various fundraisers. We have worked with a number of different service organizations, including the Easter Seals, Relay for Life, the American Cancer Society, Centre County PAWS, and volunteering at the Penn State Student Farm. We have pen pals with a local elderly home, as well. This past semester, we hosted a special themed event to raise money for a local cancer patient that is connected with one of our brothers. Through our philanthropic efforts, our brothers have the opportunity to bring forward new charities to support that are important to them.